Frontier Ranch Summer 2022 Update

Friends -

Frontier Ranch is a special place, holy ground that the Lord has used for decades to meet teenagers, young men and women and adults alike! For over 70 years Frontier has been a flagship camp for Young Life and an icon in summer camping ministry. Thank you for being a part of the story in some way. Young Life is about the teenagers, the leaders and supporters — this is what makes it great, YOU!

As you may be aware, due to both pandemic impact on camper attendance across all Young Life camps as well as the requirement for infrastructure upgrades, Frontier Ranch is hibernated. At this time, we are operating limited guest lodges for small groups. This period of Sabbath rest for the property allows Young Life to address needed infrastructure updates that will prepare and equip Frontier for another 70 years of ministry! We are currently engaged with professional vendors and engineering firms as we scope and plan projects, both big and small.

The scope of projects includes underground infrastructure, utilities, health & safety advancements, housing efficiencies and inclusive excellence upgrades. The timeframe for ramping back up will be determined by both completion of required projects as well as an increase in camper demand missionwide. Once funding is in place, the minimum expectation on water infrastructure alone is one year from the commencement of detailed design, with all other remediation to follow suit.

During this past school year, we had the opportunity to host small groups in our Adult Guest housing and provide a memorable mountain-side experience for our guests. Young Life interest weekends, leadership retreats, church small groups and family getaways all got to experience Frontier Ranch!

The summer of 2022 has been busy with hosting outdoor adventure trips, sabbatical rest, family vacations, high school creative camping trips and more.

We will continue to keep you updated as estimates are finalized and timeframes solidify.

Thank you for your continued support for Frontier Ranch as we navigate planning, funding and executing the exciting changes and updates that Frontier Ranch is undergoing to move forward into the next season of camping.

Kyle Young
Frontier Ranch Operations Manager ​

Alison McCauley
South Central Division Camping Coordinator

Updated August 5, 2022